10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa

  • 29 Agosto 2024
  • 10 Noches
  • Salida desde Hamburg
MSC Cruceros
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Todo incluido Propinas Impuestos y tasas portuarias Entretenimiento en vivo Restaurantes Especiales Casino a bordo Wi-Fi incluido Clases de fitness


Hamburg - En el mar - Kirkwall, Scotland - En el mar - Reykjavik - Isafjordur - Akureyri - En el mar - Lerwick - En el mar - Hamburg
Fecha 1

29 Aug '24

Located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, Hamburg will fascinate you from the moment you first set eyes on its elegant and austere buildings looking onto the port, one of the largest in Europe. When you reach this destination on an MSC Cruise of Northern Europe, you can get a taste of its glorious history. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan, wealthy and fashionable city, with an aggressive economy, that still prides itself of the title “free Hanseatic city”. It has, in fact, never cut its umbilical cord with maritime trade that has its heart in the port where your cruise liner will be waiting for you. Many tourist come here to visit the Reeperbahn, the red light district, but if you want to take in the atmosphere of the city, you shouldn’t miss an excursion to Speicherstadt (Warehouse Town), where the cobbled streets, gables and turrets combine to make the area on the other side of Zollkanal (Tax Canal) a world apart from the city opposite. Another city icon, St Michaelis, at the western edge of the city centre by Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse, is Hamburg’s iconic church and no wonder. More than any other building, the “Michael” mirrors the city’s irrepressible spirit. Burned down after a lightning strike in1750, it was rebuilt in Baroque style under Ernst Georg Sonnin but it again accidently caught fire in1906. In 1945, the Allies obliterated the roof and decor of church number three. Reconstructed again to Sonnin’s plans, it is now the finest Baroque church in North Germany. Probably the most gratifying attraction during an excursion on an MSC Cruise is the scenery you can admire from one of the best views over Hamburg: the 360-degree panorama takes in Speicherstadt, the container port and shipping on the Elbe, the Alster lakes, and the five spires of the churches and Rathaus. Less More




Fecha 2

30 Aug '24

En el mar




Fecha 3

31 Aug '24

Kirkwall, Scotland




Fecha 4

01 Sep '24

En el mar




Fecha 5

02 Sep '24

Reykjavík is mirrored in the waters of its bay, as you can see when your cruise ship sets anchor in the port. The quays along the seafront host a variety of shops, live music clubs and cafés. Take a stroll down Frakkastigur up to Lækjartorg, to admire the Sólfar, also known as the Sun Voyager, a large modern steelsculpture by Jón Gunnar Árnason, that represents a Viking vessel, with the bow pointing towards the north. Go back in history as you reach the historic centre, in the districts of Aðalstræti and Suðurgata, where you can still see the remains of some primitive Icelandic dwellings. Also the church of Hallgrímur, probably the most important architectural monument in Reykjavik, is worth a visit. As you will discover during your MSC cruise of Northern Europe, geothermal energy positively conditions the life of the entire country and there is an abundance of spas. Don’t miss an excursion to the Þingvellir national park, in the south west region of the island, a UNESCO world heritage site since 2004. On the northern shores of the Þingvallavatn, the largest Icelandic lake, the Öxará river forms the Öxaráfoss waterfall in the vicinity of Almannagjá, the largest cleft in this land. If you like waterfalls, you should not miss a visit to Gullfoss, in the south east of the island: the river Hvítá here drops down 11 and then 21 metres forming the queen of all Icelandic waterfalls and then continues along a narrow gorge in the plateau. In this area we also find the Strokkur, the only geyser that regularly erupts every 4-8 minutes. Then proceed to Geysir, in the Haukadalur valley, the oldest known geyser, from which the term originates. Its eruptions spray boiling water up to 60 metres into the air, but often reach higher than 100 metres: it is the tallest of the active geysers. Less More




Fecha 6

03 Sep '24

When your MSC cruise to northern Europe takes you to the north western point of Iceland, you will cast anchor at Isafjordur, a small town of ancient origins. In Isafjordur you will find the oldest standing Icelandic house, built in 1743. In the periphery of Bolungarvík, the northernmost location in the western fjords, one can instead visit Ósvör, once a fisherman’s village and now an open air museum. The past re-emerges also in the old town of Nedstikaupstadur, where Icelandic and Norwegian merchants first, and then British and German ones, would meet in the mid-15th century in the bay of Isafiord. Here, in the second half of the 18th century, Krambud (the shop) was built, that was converted in the 20th century into a private home; as well as Faktorshus (the farmers house); Tjoruhus (the tar house) and Turnhus (the tower house) used as warehouses and fish processing centres. While on your MSC cruise to Northern Europe, if you want to get an idea of how Icelanders used to live in the past, try an excursion to Vigur, literally the “spear-shaped island”. Its waters host a great deal of sea lions who feed on marine birds such as the puffin, the black guillemot, the aggressive arctic tern (who can attack people if it feels threatened) and the common eider. Another spectacle of nature is the Naustahvilft, the “troll’s seat”, a large depression shaped like a half moon in the flat mountains that surround the Isafjordur fjord. Legend has it that it was created by a troll caught by the sunlight sitting on the mountain with its feet in the water. Whether you believe in the legend or more likely in a valley dug out by the ice during the last ice age, try this brief but intense excursion, it is certainly worth it. Less More




Fecha 7

04 Sep '24

When you set ashore from your cruise ship for a vacation in Akureyri, you should take an excursion to Lake Myvatn. To get there you will pass through Eyjafjördur, where you can enjoy a splendid view of the city port. The first worthy stopover is in Godafoss, here the waters if the Skjálfandafljót form a 12 meter tall waterfall. According to the legend, in the year 999 or 1000, one of the Icelandic rulers proclaimed Christianity as the official religion of Iceland and hurled the idols of the Nordic gods (Odin, Thor and Freyr, to which probably the waterfall was previously dedicated) in its waters. A stained glass window of the church of Akureyri (Akureyrarkirkja) depicts this legend. As you continue along the Icelandic wild nature, with its incredible variety of colours, varying from the bright green meadows to the red minerals erupting from the depths of the island, one reaches the pseudo-craters of Skutustaðir, generated by underground vapours produced by an eruption 2500 years ago. From here one can reach Dimmuborgir, an incredible labyrinth of lava, where amidst peculiar formations rises the Kirkjan, a natural church with two pointed-arch portals and, inside, real chapels with altars. You can end your visit at the Viti crater, known also as the Inferno, one of the many mouths of the central Krafla volcano. If you feel like tackling the steep climb from its internal lake, you can also enjoy a relaxing hot bath. Here you will also find the Askja, an immense caldera that extends for 50 sq.km., a desert of lava and the finest sand resembling moon dust: this in fact was where the astronauts of the Apollo 11 trained for their lunar landing. Before returning to Akureyri, if you feel curious, you can stop to visit Santa Clause’shouse, about ten kilometres south, a delightful Christmas toy shop, with the largest Advent calendar in the world. Less More




Fecha 8

05 Sep '24

En el mar




Fecha 9

06 Sep '24

Lerwick, the port where your MSC cruise ship awaits your return, is very much the focus of Shetland’s commercial life. All year, its sheltered harbour is busy with ferries and fishing boats, as well as specialized craft including oil-rig supply, seismic survey and naval vessels from all round the North Sea. In summer, the quayside comes alive with visiting yachts, cruise liners, historic vessels such as the restored Swan and the occasional tall ship. Behind the old harbour is the compact town centre, made up of one long main street, flagstone-clad Commercial Street, whose narrow, winding form, set back one block from the Esplanade, provides shelter from the elements even on the worst days. From here, narrow lanes, known as closses, rise westwards to the late Victorian new town. The northern end of Commercial Street is marked by the towering walls of Fort Charlotte, begun for Charles II in 1665, burnt down by the Dutch fleet in August 1673, and repaired and named in honour of George III’s queen in the 1780s. Exhibits at the Shetland Museum, in a wonderful purpose-built waterfront building, include replicas of a hoard of Pictish silver found locally, the Monks Stone, thought to show the arrival of Christianity in Shetland, and a block of butter, tax payment for the King of Norway, found preserved in a peat bog. MSC Northern Europe cruises also offer excursions to Scalloway, once the capital of Shetland, which however waned in importance throughout the eighteenth century as Lerwick grew. Nowadays, Scalloway is fairly sleepy, though its harbour is busy enough. The town is dominated by the imposing shell of Scalloway Castle, a classic fortified tower house built with forced labour in 1600 by the infamous Earl Patrick Stewart, who held court in the castle and gained a reputation for cruelty and corruption. Less More




Fecha 10

07 Sep '24

En el mar




Fecha 11

08 Sep '24

Located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, Hamburg will fascinate you from the moment you first set eyes on its elegant and austere buildings looking onto the port, one of the largest in Europe. When you reach this destination on an MSC Cruise of Northern Europe, you can get a taste of its glorious history. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan, wealthy and fashionable city, with an aggressive economy, that still prides itself of the title “free Hanseatic city”. It has, in fact, never cut its umbilical cord with maritime trade that has its heart in the port where your cruise liner will be waiting for you. Many tourist come here to visit the Reeperbahn, the red light district, but if you want to take in the atmosphere of the city, you shouldn’t miss an excursion to Speicherstadt (Warehouse Town), where the cobbled streets, gables and turrets combine to make the area on the other side of Zollkanal (Tax Canal) a world apart from the city opposite. Another city icon, St Michaelis, at the western edge of the city centre by Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse, is Hamburg’s iconic church and no wonder. More than any other building, the “Michael” mirrors the city’s irrepressible spirit. Burned down after a lightning strike in1750, it was rebuilt in Baroque style under Ernst Georg Sonnin but it again accidently caught fire in1906. In 1945, the Allies obliterated the roof and decor of church number three. Reconstructed again to Sonnin’s plans, it is now the finest Baroque church in North Germany. Probably the most gratifying attraction during an excursion on an MSC Cruise is the scenery you can admire from one of the best views over Hamburg: the 360-degree panorama takes in Speicherstadt, the container port and shipping on the Elbe, the Alster lakes, and the five spires of the churches and Rathaus. Less More




Barco - MSC Preziosa

Navegue por todo el mundo rodeado de lujo en el barco ecológico MSC Preziosa, saboreando los placeres del estilo de vida mediterráneo.

El diseño clásico y la artesanía detallada de nuestros barcos incluyen una verdadera piazza de piedra y características espectaculares como las magníficas escaleras de cristas Swarovski y una mágica piscina ”infinita”.

Los galardonados, como el MSC Aurea Spa con tratamientos de belleza y bienestar, disuelven la tensión. Y el lujo aislado del MSC Yacht Club, un barco con suites exclusivas, servicio de mayordomo, instalaciones dedicadas y cubiertas privadas, todo ello ofrece un acceso privilegiado al ocio de clase mundial a bordo, incluyendo un casino de juego completo y un teatro a escala Broadway. Descubra los servicios exclusivos de MSC Preziosa, como la deliciosa gastronomía de comida lenta Eataly, el solarium para adultos con tratamientos de spa y el Tiki bar para los niños y adolescentes.

Desde la diversión y los juegos llenos de salpicaduras del parque acuático infantil Doremi Castle, hasta Vértigo, el tobogán acuático de un solo jinete más largo del mar, galardonado con el premio a la ”Mejor Innovación” por Cruise International en 2013, existen todas las instalaciones para niños y adolescentes.

La cocina abierta del restaurante Galaxy ofrece una deliciosa cena para todo el día y una discoteca panorámica que mantiene el ritmo hasta altas horas de la madrugada, lo que garantiza que la diversión continúe hasta la noche.

Todo esto y mucho más para descubrir a su propio ritmo en la línea de cruceros MSC Preziosa, viviendo al estilo mediterráneo y disfrutando de cada momento al máximo mientras viaja a los lugares más bellos de la tierra a través de los mares.


Entertaiment Team
Theatre (Teatro)

  • Descripción

    Navegue por todo el mundo rodeado de lujo en el barco ecológico MSC Preziosa, saboreando los placeres del estilo de vida mediterráneo.

    El diseño clásico y la artesanía detallada de nuestros barcos incluyen una verdadera piazza de piedra y características espectaculares como las magníficas escaleras de cristas Swarovski y una mágica piscina ”infinita”.

    Los galardonados, como el MSC Aurea Spa con tratamientos de belleza y bienestar, disuelven la tensión. Y el lujo aislado del MSC Yacht Club, un barco con suites exclusivas, servicio de mayordomo, instalaciones dedicadas y cubiertas privadas, todo ello ofrece un acceso privilegiado al ocio de clase mundial a bordo, incluyendo un casino de juego completo y un teatro a escala Broadway. Descubra los servicios exclusivos de MSC Preziosa, como la deliciosa gastronomía de comida lenta Eataly, el solarium para adultos con tratamientos de spa y el Tiki bar para los niños y adolescentes.

    Desde la diversión y los juegos llenos de salpicaduras del parque acuático infantil Doremi Castle, hasta Vértigo, el tobogán acuático de un solo jinete más largo del mar, galardonado con el premio a la ”Mejor Innovación” por Cruise International en 2013, existen todas las instalaciones para niños y adolescentes.

    La cocina abierta del restaurante Galaxy ofrece una deliciosa cena para todo el día y una discoteca panorámica que mantiene el ritmo hasta altas horas de la madrugada, lo que garantiza que la diversión continúe hasta la noche.

    Todo esto y mucho más para descubrir a su propio ritmo en la línea de cruceros MSC Preziosa, viviendo al estilo mediterráneo y disfrutando de cada momento al máximo mientras viaja a los lugares más bellos de la tierra a través de los mares.

  • Comida y bebida


  • Entretenimiento

    Entertaiment Team
    Theatre (Teatro)



    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador de pelo Televisión, teléfono, caja fuere y minibar Acceso a WiFi disponible


    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador TV, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi disponible


    Balcón Área de estar con sofá Cómoda cama doble o individuales (bajo demanda) Televisión interactiva, teléfono, conexión Wifi disponible (de pago), caja fuerte y minibar Cuarto de baño con ducha o bañera, área de tocador con secador de pelo


    Cómoda cama matrimonial que se convierte en dos camas individuales a petición Ventana panorámica sellada Área de estar con sofá Armario espacioso Cuarto de baño con bañera, área de tocador y secador Televisión interactiva, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi (de pago) Aprox. 25 – 29 m² Ubicada en las cubiertas 9 – 12


  • Fecha
  • 8th Sep '24
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,458* /por persona

  • 29th Sep '24
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
  • 27th Abr '25
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,514* /por persona

  • 14th Sep '25
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,554* /por persona

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
