24 días a bordo del Seabourn Sojourn

  • 05 Junio 2024
  • 24 Noches
  • Salida desde Piraeus (Athens), Greece
  • Ventana precio desde
  • Balcón precio desde
  • Suite precio desde


Piraeus (Athens), Greece - Monemvasia, Greece - Valletta, Malta - Valletta, Malta - Mgarr (Victoria), Malta - Syracuse, Italy - L'Ile-Rousse, Corsica, France - Toulon, France - Palamos, Spain - Barcelona, Spain - Malaga, Spain - Tangier, Morocco - Casablanca, Morocco - Casablanca, Morocco - Arrecife, Canary Islands - San Sebastian, la Gomera - Sant Cruz de la Palma, Canary Isles - Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain - Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain - Funchal (Madeira), Portugal - Lisbon, Portugal
Fecha 1

05 Jun '24

Piraeus (Athens), Greece
Piraeus has been the port for Athens since 482 BC. The busy harbor is filled with ferries and cruise ships making their way to the Greek Islands and other Mediterranean cities. The busy metropolis of Athens and its treasure trove of antiquities lie just a few miles from the port. Even as the reality of the modern city took hold, with its high-rise apartments, crowded sidewalks and bustling traffic, the beauty of the Acropolis, the outstanding museums, charming cafés, sidewalk markets and startling views come together in a cultural mosaic for all to enjoy. Less More




Fecha 2

06 Jun '24

Monemvasia, Greece
Monemvasia was once on the Peloponnese mainland. Then an earthquake turned it into an island. It is now joined to the mainland by a narrow causeway that limits access, originally for reasons of defense. The tall, flat isle is completely honeycombed with nooks and grottoes, narrow alleys and rock-carved rooms. Clearly it was a formidable redoubt in times of attack, and earned its nickname the Gibraltar of the East. The upper town, long uninhabited, has narrow pathways leading to the Byzantine Aghia Sophia church, and remains of the medieval fortress and walls. In the lower town, look for the bell tower that leads you to Elkomenos Square, with its namesake medieval Elkomenos Christos church and a small museum. Less More




Fecha 3

07 Jun '24

At Sea




Fecha 4

08 Jun '24

Valletta, Malta
Occupied successively by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, French and British, Malta has been of strategic importance throughout history. A British Crown Colony until 1964, Malta received the George Cross for its valiant resistance to German occupation in WWII. The island’s rich heritage is reflected in the architecture of Valletta, the current capital, and Medina, the capital until 1565. In Valletta the Knights of St. John built such masterpieces as St. John’s Co-Cathedral and the Palace of the Grand Masters, along with the fortifications that guard the town’s magnificent harbors. Less More




Fecha 5

09 Jun '24

Valletta, Malta
Occupied successively by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, French and British, Malta has been of strategic importance throughout history. A British Crown Colony until 1964, Malta received the George Cross for its valiant resistance to German occupation in WWII. The island’s rich heritage is reflected in the architecture of Valletta, the current capital, and Medina, the capital until 1565. In Valletta the Knights of St. John built such masterpieces as St. John’s Co-Cathedral and the Palace of the Grand Masters, along with the fortifications that guard the town’s magnificent harbors. Less More




Fecha 5

09 Jun '24

Mgarr (Victoria), Malta
A port not often visited by cruise ships, being more accustomed to welcoming fishing boats and private yachts. Malta’s smaller sister-isle has a lot of charm to offer. Villages such as Mgarr all boast tall, elaborately carved churches, the result of a combination of fine-grained, easily carved stone, time, and stonemasons whose skill is matched only by their religious devotion. The city of Victoria was so named to honor the British queen’s Diamond jubilee. Less More




Fecha 6

10 Jun '24

Syracuse, Italy
Now a sun-bleached provincial capital, Siracusa was once one of the most prestigious cities in the known world. Founded in the 8th century BC by settlers from Corinth, Siracusa gradually grew in prestige to rival Athens and was considered the western capital of Magna Graecia. In the Greek world dictators, often called tyrants, exercised unlimited power over colonies like Siracusa. Although often unpleasant people, they also often patronized poets and artists and competed to bring intellectuals to their courts. Siracusa was home to Archimedes, Plato and Aeschylus during its height of power and prestige. Today’s visitors come to marvel at the remains of the ancient structures, reminders of the past glory and rich history of the area. The city is superbly situated at the head of a beautiful bay and enjoys a mild climate. The coastline to the south is renowned for its beauty, clear waters and evocative, mythical scenery. There are romantic abandoned coves and wide, sandy beaches not easily matched anywhere else in Italy. Less More




Fecha 7

11 Jun '24

At Sea




Fecha 8

12 Jun '24

L'Ile-Rousse, Corsica, France




Fecha 9

13 Jun '24

Toulon, France
One of the Mediterranean’s best ports and largest harbors welcomes you to the home of the French Mediterranean Fleet. Located in the Var prefecture of the Provence, Toulon has a long history that is revealed in various districts of the city. The Old Town is along the harbor, with narrow streets and small squares, most boasting a nicely decorated fountain. The Upper Town is mostly 19th century grandeur. You can take a cable car to Mont Faron, bypassing the road that is a notorious stretch for bicycle racers. The waterfront neighborhood of Le Mourillon is a family-friendly beach area for Toulonais. There are wonderful museums of history, art from various periods and naval history to explore as well. Less More




Fecha 10

14 Jun '24

Palamos, Spain
Located at the foot of the mountains on Spain’s rugged Costa Brava, Palamos boasts seven superb beaches, Iberian archeological remains from the year 6 BC, and the Church of Sant Esteve on the beach. Highlighting the town center is its 16th-century cathedral. Less More




Fecha 11

15 Jun '24

Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is said to have been founded by the Phoenicians, and was once the rival of the powerful states of Venice and Genoa for control of the Mediterranean trade. Today, it is Spain’s second largest city and has long rivaled, even surpassed Madrid in industry and commerce. The medieval atmosphere of the Gothic Quarter and the elegant boulevards combine to make the city one of Europe’s most beautiful. Barcelona’s active cultural life and heritage brought forth such greats as the architect Antonio Gaudi, the painter Joan Miro, and Pablo Picasso, who spent his formative years here. Other famous native Catalan artists include cellist Pau Casals, surrealist Salvador Dali, and opera singers Montserrat Caballe and Josep Carreras. Barcelona accomplished a long-cherished goal with the opportunity to host the Olympics in 1992. This big event prompted a massive building program and created a focal point of the world’s attention. Less More




Fecha 12

16 Jun '24

At Sea




Fecha 13

17 Jun '24

Malaga, Spain
Often little more than a gateway to the Costa del Sol for sun-seeking vacationers, Malaga is a most interesting city in its own right. First settled by the Phoenicians, Malaga was held by virtually every ruling power in the Mediterranean at one time or another. Two Moorish fortresses, the 11th-century Alcazaba and the 14th-century Castillo de Gibralfaro still stand sentry above the harbor. Malaga was the birthplace of Pablo Picasso as well as the Malaguena style of flamenco. During your time here, you may wish to sample some of the sweet Malaga wine and excellent tapas for which the city is noted. Less More




Fecha 14

18 Jun '24

Tangier, Morocco
Situated just across the narrow Strait of Gibraltar from Europe, Tangier has long comprised a hybrid culture that is nearly as European as it is African. Standing atop Cap Spartel, one can gaze down on the place where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean. The “Hollywood” district where the foreign embassies have traditionally been located reflects the European influence. But ascending the hill above the waterfront, one enters the narrow, winding alleys of the Kasbah, the city’s oldest, most Moroccan section. Down the coast, nearby Tetouan retains a nearly untouched walled medina, with sections originally occupied by Andalusian, Berber and Jewish populations. It is small enough that visitors can explore it without risking becoming lost, making it a perfect choice as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Less More




Fecha 15

19 Jun '24

Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca, located on the Atlantic coast, is with 4 million inhabitants Morocco’s largest city, and at the same time the largest port in Africa. Built on the site of ancient Phoenician Anfa, it remained a small fishing village for many centuries until the French arrived in 1912. Since then Casablanca has become a vast modern city, ever on the increase since Morocco’s independence from France in 1956. A successful blend of oriental-style, white cubic dwellings with modern Moroccan quarters gives the city an interesting flair. Lovely beaches and attractive hotels make for a popular year-round holiday resort. To help understand Moroccan culture a visit to the Medina, the quaint old Moorish quarter, is a must for all visitors. Less More




Fecha 16

20 Jun '24

Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca, located on the Atlantic coast, is with 4 million inhabitants Morocco’s largest city, and at the same time the largest port in Africa. Built on the site of ancient Phoenician Anfa, it remained a small fishing village for many centuries until the French arrived in 1912. Since then Casablanca has become a vast modern city, ever on the increase since Morocco’s independence from France in 1956. A successful blend of oriental-style, white cubic dwellings with modern Moroccan quarters gives the city an interesting flair. Lovely beaches and attractive hotels make for a popular year-round holiday resort. To help understand Moroccan culture a visit to the Medina, the quaint old Moorish quarter, is a must for all visitors. Less More




Fecha 17

21 Jun '24

At Sea




Fecha 18

22 Jun '24

Arrecife, Canary Islands
Lanzarote is the northernmost of the Canary Islands, often known as “volcano island.” Its capital is Arrecife, a quiet town of about 30,000 inhabitants. Present day Lanzarote consists of two quite distinct massifs: Famara in the north, and Los Ajaches in the south, where centuries of erosion have sculpted abrupt cliffs and deep ravines, contrasting sharply with the smoothly rounded hills of the island’s central region. Less More




Fecha 19

23 Jun '24

San Sebastian, la Gomera
San Sebastián de La Gomera is the capital of La Gomera, one of Spain’s Canary Islands. The Church of the Assumption has a mural depicting an 18th-century battle, and a museum with religious artwork dating from the 16th century. Nearby, La Gomera Archaeological Museum traces the island’s indigenous cultures through artifacts and scale models. South is the Torre del Conde, a medieval fortification set in a lush park. Less More




Fecha 20

24 Jun '24

Sant Cruz de la Palma, Canary Isles
Lovely La Palma has earned itself two well-deserved nicknames: Isla Bonita (Pretty Island) and Isla Verde (Green Island). Although there are relatively few beaches La Palma has a number of other appealing attractions. The island’s capital city, Santa Cruz de la Palma, boasts a handsome 16th-century City Hall as well as a number of colonial-style homes. There is also an interesting maritime museum housed in a life-size replica of Christopher Columbus’ Santa Maria. Caldera de Taburiente, a massive volcanic crater, stands sentry in the middle of the island. The last of La Palma’s original inhabitants, the Guanche, held out in the crater until they were finally defeated by the Spaniards in 1492 – the area is now a National Park. Less More




Fecha 21

25 Jun '24

Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain
The old town is a treasury of 16th and 17th century buildings, and not just churches. Do go inside the fortified-looking Iglesia del Salvador, however, to see its ornate, Islamic-style Mudejar ceiling, one of the best in the islands. A short way outside town is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Snows, one of the most important sites on the island. The waterfront is a good place to find ancient houses with elaborate iron balconies, many now converted to restaurants and shops. Many visitors tour the island’s dormant volcanoes, or the odd, erosion caldera called La Cumbrecita, a UNESCO Biosphere Site. An excursion to the village of Mazo rewards with a fine island museum containing examples of local handicrafts and especially the fabulous indigenous embroidery. Just beyond the museum is a handicrafts school, an excellent place to acquire a handcrafted souvenir of your Canary Islands adventure. Less More




Fecha 22

26 Jun '24

Santa Cruz (La Palma), Spain
The old town is a treasury of 16th and 17th century buildings, and not just churches. Do go inside the fortified-looking Iglesia del Salvador, however, to see its ornate, Islamic-style Mudejar ceiling, one of the best in the islands. A short way outside town is the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Snows, one of the most important sites on the island. The waterfront is a good place to find ancient houses with elaborate iron balconies, many now converted to restaurants and shops. Many visitors tour the island’s dormant volcanoes, or the odd, erosion caldera called La Cumbrecita, a UNESCO Biosphere Site. An excursion to the village of Mazo rewards with a fine island museum containing examples of local handicrafts and especially the fabulous indigenous embroidery. Just beyond the museum is a handicrafts school, an excellent place to acquire a handcrafted souvenir of your Canary Islands adventure. Less More




Fecha 23

27 Jun '24

Funchal (Madeira), Portugal
The Madeira Archipelago, consisting of the islands Madeira, Porto Santo and Desertas, is situated in the Atlantic, about 400 miles from the African coast and 560 miles from Lisbon. Discovered by the Portuguese in 1419, Madeira, the largest of the islands, became of great importance to Portugal for its sugar production and later on for the cultivation of wine. The unusually temperate oceanic climate and extraordinary scenery had Northern Europeans flocking to Madeira as early as the 18th century to spend the winter months. The winning combination of high, rocky peaks, steep green ravines and waterfalls in the interior, with the flowering charm of Funchal still attracts nearly half a million visitors each year. Less More




Fecha 24

28 Jun '24

At Sea




Fecha 25

29 Jun '24

Lisbon, Portugal
The great period of “the Discoveries” accounted for phenomenal wealth brought back from India, Africa and Brazil by the great Portuguese navigators. Gold, jewels, ivory, porcelain and spices helped finance grand new buildings and impressive monuments in Lisbon, the country’s capital city. As you sail up the Tagus River, be on deck to admire Lisbon’s panorama and see some of the great monuments lining the river. Lisbon is one of Europe’s smallest capital cities but considered by many visitors to be one of the most likeable. Spread over a string of seven hills, the city offers a variety of faces, including a refreshing no-frills simplicity reflected in the people as they go unhurriedly through their day enjoying a hearty and delicious cuisine accompanied by the country’s excellent wines. Less More




Barco - Seabourn Sojourn

El segundo de la nueva clase de Seabourn de buques, Seabourn Sojourn, también fue construido en T. Mariotti patio en Génova. Su debut fue el 6 de junio de 2010, en el medio del Río Támesis en Londres. La Madrina de Seabourn Sojourn fue la Inglesa icono de la moda y actriz Twiggy. Al igual que sus hermanas, Seabourn Sojourn encanta a sus huéspedes con una gran variedad de áreas públicas a escala para fomentar una relajada sociabilidad. Una de las características más singulares del Seabourn Sojourn y sus hermanas es la Plaza de Seabourn, una ingeniosa “sala de estar”, que reemplaza el vestíbulo tradicional del barco de crucero con un salón acogedor lleno de sillones, sofás y mesas de cóctel. Un enclave en su centro alberga conserjes conocedores discretamente sentados en escritorios individuales, listo para manejar todo tipo de negocios o dar asesoramiento e información. Las tiendas de la nave están convenientemente situadas justo al lado de la plaza y tienen su propia terraza al aire libre a popa. El Spa de Seabourn es el más grande en cualquier barco de ultra-lujo, 11.400 metros cuadrados que abarca el espacio interior y exterior a través de dos cubiertas. Una variedad de terrazas abiertas están dispersas en siete cubiertas, ofreciendo lugares para reunirse con unos amigos o pasar una hora aislada con un libro. El Seabourn Sojourn ofrece seis jacuzzis y dos piscinas, incluyendo la piscina del patio, con un par de grandes bañeras de hidromasaje y una “playa” piscina de estilo, un ambiente informal Patio Grill y el Bar Patio. En la terraza de arriba se puede sentar al aire libre en el popular Seabourn Sky Bar. En lo alto de la cubierta 11 hay una terraza con 36 tumbonas dobles con gradas. Apenas detrás de esto esta El Retiro, con canchas de tejo y un putting green de nueve hoyos. La Observación bar panorámico en el Deck 10 ofrece 270 visitas hacia adelante sobre el mar. El Club es un lugar animado para bailar antes y después de la cena, mientras que el más grande Gran Salón se utiliza para bailar, así como para conferencias, espectáculos, actuaciones vocales de producción de cabaret y recitales clásicos.

Salon de Belleza
Tratamientos Faciales
Piscina de Talasoterapia

Servicio de Habitaciones
Patio Grill (Asador)
Bar Sky
The Colonnade
The Restaurant 2

Cubierta de Deportes

  • Descripción

    El segundo de la nueva clase de Seabourn de buques, Seabourn Sojourn, también fue construido en T. Mariotti patio en Génova. Su debut fue el 6 de junio de 2010, en el medio del Río Támesis en Londres. La Madrina de Seabourn Sojourn fue la Inglesa icono de la moda y actriz Twiggy. Al igual que sus hermanas, Seabourn Sojourn encanta a sus huéspedes con una gran variedad de áreas públicas a escala para fomentar una relajada sociabilidad. Una de las características más singulares del Seabourn Sojourn y sus hermanas es la Plaza de Seabourn, una ingeniosa “sala de estar”, que reemplaza el vestíbulo tradicional del barco de crucero con un salón acogedor lleno de sillones, sofás y mesas de cóctel. Un enclave en su centro alberga conserjes conocedores discretamente sentados en escritorios individuales, listo para manejar todo tipo de negocios o dar asesoramiento e información. Las tiendas de la nave están convenientemente situadas justo al lado de la plaza y tienen su propia terraza al aire libre a popa. El Spa de Seabourn es el más grande en cualquier barco de ultra-lujo, 11.400 metros cuadrados que abarca el espacio interior y exterior a través de dos cubiertas. Una variedad de terrazas abiertas están dispersas en siete cubiertas, ofreciendo lugares para reunirse con unos amigos o pasar una hora aislada con un libro. El Seabourn Sojourn ofrece seis jacuzzis y dos piscinas, incluyendo la piscina del patio, con un par de grandes bañeras de hidromasaje y una “playa” piscina de estilo, un ambiente informal Patio Grill y el Bar Patio. En la terraza de arriba se puede sentar al aire libre en el popular Seabourn Sky Bar. En lo alto de la cubierta 11 hay una terraza con 36 tumbonas dobles con gradas. Apenas detrás de esto esta El Retiro, con canchas de tejo y un putting green de nueve hoyos. La Observación bar panorámico en el Deck 10 ofrece 270 visitas hacia adelante sobre el mar. El Club es un lugar animado para bailar antes y después de la cena, mientras que el más grande Gran Salón se utiliza para bailar, así como para conferencias, espectáculos, actuaciones vocales de producción de cabaret y recitales clásicos.

  • Para Relajarse

    Salon de Belleza
    Tratamientos Faciales
    Piscina de Talasoterapia

  • Comida y bebida

    Servicio de Habitaciones
    Patio Grill (Asador)
    Bar Sky
    The Colonnade
    The Restaurant 2

  • Deportes

    Cubierta de Deportes



    Todas las Suite con vista al mar cuentan con una amplia zona de estar cómoda. Una cama queen size o dos camas individuales. Mesa de comedor para dos personas. Vestier. Televisión interactiva de pantalla plana con música y películas. Bar bien surtido. Tocador para maquillarse. Amplio cuarto de baño con bañera y ducha separadas.


    Veranda Guarantee For F&F/TA/Interline


    Seabourn Suite Guarantee For F&F/TA/Interline


  • Fecha
  • 28th Dic '24
    24 días a bordo del Seabourn Sojourn
    Seabourn Sojourn- 24Nights
    - 24 noches
  • 7th May '25
    24 días a bordo del Seabourn Sojourn
    Seabourn Sojourn- 24Nights
    - 24 noches
    Suite precio de

    $13,499* /por persona

  • 9th Ago '25
    24 días a bordo del Seabourn Sojourn
    Seabourn Sojourn- 24Nights
    - 24 noches
    Suite precio de

    $16,299* /por persona

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
