10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa

  • 14 Septiembre 2025
  • 10 Noches
  • Salida desde Hamburg
MSC Cruceros
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Todo incluido Propinas Impuestos y tasas portuarias Entretenimiento en vivo Restaurantes Especiales Casino a bordo Wi-Fi incluido Clases de fitness


Hamburg - Southampton - Cork, Ireland - Belfast - Greenock - Liverpool - Falmouth, United Kingdom - Hamburg
Fecha 1

14 Sep '25

Located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, Hamburg will fascinate you from the moment you first set eyes on its elegant and austere buildings looking onto the port, one of the largest in Europe. When you reach this destination on an MSC Cruise of Northern Europe, you can get a taste of its glorious history. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan, wealthy and fashionable city, with an aggressive economy, that still prides itself of the title “free Hanseatic city”. It has, in fact, never cut its umbilical cord with maritime trade that has its heart in the port where your cruise liner will be waiting for you. Many tourist come here to visit the Reeperbahn, the red light district, but if you want to take in the atmosphere of the city, you shouldn’t miss an excursion to Speicherstadt (Warehouse Town), where the cobbled streets, gables and turrets combine to make the area on the other side of Zollkanal (Tax Canal) a world apart from the city opposite. Another city icon, St Michaelis, at the western edge of the city centre by Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse, is Hamburg’s iconic church and no wonder. More than any other building, the “Michael” mirrors the city’s irrepressible spirit. Burned down after a lightning strike in1750, it was rebuilt in Baroque style under Ernst Georg Sonnin but it again accidently caught fire in1906. In 1945, the Allies obliterated the roof and decor of church number three. Reconstructed again to Sonnin’s plans, it is now the finest Baroque church in North Germany. Probably the most gratifying attraction during an excursion on an MSC Cruise is the scenery you can admire from one of the best views over Hamburg: the 360-degree panorama takes in Speicherstadt, the container port and shipping on the Elbe, the Alster lakes, and the five spires of the churches and Rathaus. Less More




Fecha 2

15 Sep '25

At Sea




Fecha 2

15 Sep '25

At Sea




Fecha 3

16 Sep '25

Despite its pummelling by the Luftwaffe and some disastrous postwar urban sprawl, the thousand-year-old city of Southampton has retained some of its medieval charm in parts and reinvented itself as a twenty-first century shopping centre in others, with the giant glass-and-steel West Quay as its focus. Core of the modern town is the Civic Centre, a short walk east of the train station and home to the excellent Southampton City Art Gallery that’s particularly strong on contemporary British artists. The Western Esplanade runs alongside the best remaining bits of the old city walls. Rebuilt after a French attack in 1338, they incorporate God’s House Tower, at the southern end of the old town in Winkle Street, which currently houses the Museum of Archaeology. Best preserved of the city’s seven gates is Bargate, at the opposite end of the old town, at the head of the High Street; it’s an elaborate structure, cluttered with lions, classical figures and defensive apertures. A shore excursion on your MSC Northern Europe cruise from Southampton can be the opportunity to discover the capital of England, London. For the visitor, London is a thrilling place. Monuments from the capital’s glorious past are everywhere, from medieval banqueting halls and the great churches of Christopher Wren to the eclectic Victorian architecture of the triumphalist British Empire. You can relax in the city’s quiet Georgian squares, explore the narrow alleyways of the City of London, wander along the riverside walks, and uncover the quirks of what is still identifiably a collection of villages. The capital’s great historical landmarks – Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London and so on – draw in millions of tourists every year. Less More




Fecha 4

17 Sep '25

At Sea




Fecha 5

18 Sep '25

Cork, Ireland
When you step ashore from your MSC Northern Europe cruise in Cork, everywhere there is evidence of its history as a great mercantile centre, with grey-stone quaysides, old warehouses, and elegant, quirky bridges spanning the River Lee to each side of the city’s island core. But equally powerful draws are its lively atmosphere and large student population, combined with a vibrant social and cultural scene. Massive stone walls built by invading Normans in the twelfth century were destroyed by William III’s forces during the Siege of Cork in 1690, after which waterborne trade brought increasing prosperity, as witnessed by the city’s fine eighteenth-century bow-fronted houses and ostentatious nineteenth-century churches. The graceful arc of St Patrick’s Street – which with Grand Parade forms the commercial heart of the centre – is crammed with major chain stores. Just off here on Princes Street, the English Market offers the chance to sample local delicacies like drisheen (a peppered sausage made from a sheep’s stomach lining and blood). The west of the city is predominantly residential, though Fitzgerald Park is home to the Cork Public Museum, which focuses on Republican history. Kinsale, 25km south of Cork city, is also waiting to be enjoyed on an MSC Northern Europe cruise excursion. Kinsale enjoys a glorious setting at the head of a sheltered harbour around the mouth of the Bandon River. Two imposing forts and a fine tower-house remain as evidence of its former importance as a trading port, and Kinsale has built on its cosmopolitan links to become the culinary capital of the southwest. Add in plenty of opportunities for watersports on the fine local beaches and a number of congenial pubs, and you have a very appealing, upscale resort town. Less More




Fecha 6

19 Sep '25

Waiting to be enjoyed on an MSC Northern Europe cruise excursion, Belfast has a pace and bustle you’ll find nowhere else in Northern Ireland. In appearance Belfast closely resembles Liverpool, Glasgow or any other industrial port across the water, and, similarly, its largely defunct docklands – in which, famously, the Titanic was built – are undergoing massive redevelopment. Though the city centre is still characterized by numerous elegant Victorian buildings, there’s been an enormous transformation here, too, not least in the greater prosperity of the shopping streets leading northwards from the hub of Belfast life, Donegall Square. In the city centre, you can concentrate on the glories resulting from the Industrial Revolution – grandiose architecture and magnificent Victorian pubs – and the rejuvenated area from Ann Street to Donegall Street now known as the Cathedral quarter. To the south lies Queen’s University and the extensive collections of the Ulster Museum, set in the grounds of the Botanic Gardens. Ever since 1693, when the Royal Society first publicized it as one of the great wonders of the natural world, the Giant’s Causeway has been a major tourist attraction and it’s just waiting for you to visit it too on an MSC Northern Europe excursion. Made up of an estimated 37,000 black basalt columns, each a polygon, it’s the result of a massive subterranean explosion, some sixty million years ago, that stretched from the Causeway to Rathlin and beyond to Islay, Staffa and Mull in Scotland. A huge mass of molten basalt was spewed out onto the surface, which, on cooling, solidified into what are, essentially, crystals. Though the process was simple, it’s difficult, when confronted with the impressive regular geometry of the columns, to believe that their production was entirely natural. Less More




Fecha 7

20 Sep '25

At your MSC cruise port of call in Greenock, Scotland, you’ll be just a short trip away from Glasgow. Glasgow is a sprawling post-industrial metropolis on the banks of the River Clyde. An upbeat cruise destination, it boasts great bars, clubs and restaurants. Its museums and galleries are some of the best in Britain, while the city’s impressive architecture reflects the wealth of its eighteenth- and nineteenth-century heyday. Set on the banks of the mighty River Clyde, Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, has not traditionally enjoyed the best of reputations. However, the cityscape has been spruced up, and many visitors are knocked out by the architecture, from long rows of sandstone terraces to the fantastical spires of the Kelvingrove Museum. Glasgow has some of the best-financed and most imaginative museums and galleries in Britain – among them the showcase Burrell Collection and the palatial Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum – nearly all of which are free. Glasgow’s architecture is some of the most striking in the UK, from the restored eighteenth-century warehouses of the Merchant City to the hulking Victorian prosperity of George Square. Most distinctive of all is the work of local luminary Charles Rennie Mackintosh, whose elegantly Art Nouveau designs appear all over the city, reaching their apotheosis in the stunning School of Art. MSC Northern Europe cruises also offer excursions to Stirling. Straddling the River Forth a few miles upstream from the estuary at Kincardine, Stirling appears, at first glance, like a smaller version of Edinburgh. With its crag-top castle, steep, cobbled streets and mixed community of locals, students and tourists, it’s an appealing place. Stirling was the scene of some of the most significant developments in the evolution of the Scottish nation as commemorated by the lofty Wallace Monument high on Abbey Craig to the north-east. Less More




Fecha 8

21 Sep '25

An MSC Northern Europe cruise to England is the perfect opportunity to discover the dynamic, exciting port of Liverpool: it’s a vibrant city with a Tate Gallery of its own, a series of innovative museums and a fascinating social history. And of course it also makes great play of its musical heritage – as well it should, considering that this is the place that gave the world The Beatles. The main sights are scattered throughout the centre of town, but you can easily walk between most of them. If you want a cathedral, they’ve “got one to spare” as the song goes; plus there’s a fine showing of British art in the celebrated Walker Art Gallery and Tate Liverpool, and a multitude of exhibits in the terrific World MuseumLiverpool. When you step ashore from your MSC cruise, you can’t miss St George’s Hall, one of Britain’s finest Greek Revival buildings and a testament to the wealth generated from transatlantic trade. Now primarily an exhibition venue, but once Liverpool’s premier concert hall and crown court, its vaulted Great Hall features a floor paved with thirty thousand precious Minton tiles (usually covered over), while the Willis organ is the third largest in Europe. Huge and flashy, in a show-stopping Danish-designed building, the Museum of Liverpool opened in 2011. Spread over three floors, the galleries play on Liverpool’s historic status as the “second city of Empire”, exploring the complex political and life histories that have unfolded in a community whose wealth and social fabric were built on international trade. Dominating the waterfront are the so-called Three Graces – namely the Port of Liverpool Building (1907), Cunard Building (1913) and, most prominently, the 322ft-high Royal Liver Building (1910), topped by the “Liver Birds”, a couple of cormorants that have become the symbol of the city. Less More




Fecha 9

22 Sep '25

Falmouth, United Kingdom




Fecha 10

23 Sep '25

At Sea




Fecha 11

24 Sep '25

Located between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, Hamburg will fascinate you from the moment you first set eyes on its elegant and austere buildings looking onto the port, one of the largest in Europe. When you reach this destination on an MSC Cruise of Northern Europe, you can get a taste of its glorious history. Hamburg is a cosmopolitan, wealthy and fashionable city, with an aggressive economy, that still prides itself of the title “free Hanseatic city”. It has, in fact, never cut its umbilical cord with maritime trade that has its heart in the port where your cruise liner will be waiting for you. Many tourist come here to visit the Reeperbahn, the red light district, but if you want to take in the atmosphere of the city, you shouldn’t miss an excursion to Speicherstadt (Warehouse Town), where the cobbled streets, gables and turrets combine to make the area on the other side of Zollkanal (Tax Canal) a world apart from the city opposite. Another city icon, St Michaelis, at the western edge of the city centre by Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse, is Hamburg’s iconic church and no wonder. More than any other building, the “Michael” mirrors the city’s irrepressible spirit. Burned down after a lightning strike in1750, it was rebuilt in Baroque style under Ernst Georg Sonnin but it again accidently caught fire in1906. In 1945, the Allies obliterated the roof and decor of church number three. Reconstructed again to Sonnin’s plans, it is now the finest Baroque church in North Germany. Probably the most gratifying attraction during an excursion on an MSC Cruise is the scenery you can admire from one of the best views over Hamburg: the 360-degree panorama takes in Speicherstadt, the container port and shipping on the Elbe, the Alster lakes, and the five spires of the churches and Rathaus. Less More




Barco - MSC Preziosa

Navegue por todo el mundo rodeado de lujo en el barco ecológico MSC Preziosa, saboreando los placeres del estilo de vida mediterráneo.

El diseño clásico y la artesanía detallada de nuestros barcos incluyen una verdadera piazza de piedra y características espectaculares como las magníficas escaleras de cristas Swarovski y una mágica piscina ”infinita”.

Los galardonados, como el MSC Aurea Spa con tratamientos de belleza y bienestar, disuelven la tensión. Y el lujo aislado del MSC Yacht Club, un barco con suites exclusivas, servicio de mayordomo, instalaciones dedicadas y cubiertas privadas, todo ello ofrece un acceso privilegiado al ocio de clase mundial a bordo, incluyendo un casino de juego completo y un teatro a escala Broadway. Descubra los servicios exclusivos de MSC Preziosa, como la deliciosa gastronomía de comida lenta Eataly, el solarium para adultos con tratamientos de spa y el Tiki bar para los niños y adolescentes.

Desde la diversión y los juegos llenos de salpicaduras del parque acuático infantil Doremi Castle, hasta Vértigo, el tobogán acuático de un solo jinete más largo del mar, galardonado con el premio a la ”Mejor Innovación” por Cruise International en 2013, existen todas las instalaciones para niños y adolescentes.

La cocina abierta del restaurante Galaxy ofrece una deliciosa cena para todo el día y una discoteca panorámica que mantiene el ritmo hasta altas horas de la madrugada, lo que garantiza que la diversión continúe hasta la noche.

Todo esto y mucho más para descubrir a su propio ritmo en la línea de cruceros MSC Preziosa, viviendo al estilo mediterráneo y disfrutando de cada momento al máximo mientras viaja a los lugares más bellos de la tierra a través de los mares.


Entertaiment Team
Theatre (Teatro)

  • Descripción

    Navegue por todo el mundo rodeado de lujo en el barco ecológico MSC Preziosa, saboreando los placeres del estilo de vida mediterráneo.

    El diseño clásico y la artesanía detallada de nuestros barcos incluyen una verdadera piazza de piedra y características espectaculares como las magníficas escaleras de cristas Swarovski y una mágica piscina ”infinita”.

    Los galardonados, como el MSC Aurea Spa con tratamientos de belleza y bienestar, disuelven la tensión. Y el lujo aislado del MSC Yacht Club, un barco con suites exclusivas, servicio de mayordomo, instalaciones dedicadas y cubiertas privadas, todo ello ofrece un acceso privilegiado al ocio de clase mundial a bordo, incluyendo un casino de juego completo y un teatro a escala Broadway. Descubra los servicios exclusivos de MSC Preziosa, como la deliciosa gastronomía de comida lenta Eataly, el solarium para adultos con tratamientos de spa y el Tiki bar para los niños y adolescentes.

    Desde la diversión y los juegos llenos de salpicaduras del parque acuático infantil Doremi Castle, hasta Vértigo, el tobogán acuático de un solo jinete más largo del mar, galardonado con el premio a la ”Mejor Innovación” por Cruise International en 2013, existen todas las instalaciones para niños y adolescentes.

    La cocina abierta del restaurante Galaxy ofrece una deliciosa cena para todo el día y una discoteca panorámica que mantiene el ritmo hasta altas horas de la madrugada, lo que garantiza que la diversión continúe hasta la noche.

    Todo esto y mucho más para descubrir a su propio ritmo en la línea de cruceros MSC Preziosa, viviendo al estilo mediterráneo y disfrutando de cada momento al máximo mientras viaja a los lugares más bellos de la tierra a través de los mares.

  • Comida y bebida


  • Entretenimiento

    Entertaiment Team
    Theatre (Teatro)



    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador de pelo Televisión, teléfono, caja fuere y minibar Acceso a WiFi disponible


    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador TV, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi disponible


    Balcón Área de estar con sofá Cómoda cama doble o individuales (bajo demanda) Televisión interactiva, teléfono, conexión Wifi disponible (de pago), caja fuerte y minibar Cuarto de baño con ducha o bañera, área de tocador con secador de pelo


    Cómoda cama matrimonial que se convierte en dos camas individuales a petición Ventana panorámica sellada Área de estar con sofá Armario espacioso Cuarto de baño con bañera, área de tocador y secador Televisión interactiva, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi (de pago) Aprox. 25 – 29 m² Ubicada en las cubiertas 9 – 12


  • Fecha
  • 29th Ago '24
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,842* /por persona

  • 8th Sep '24
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,458* /por persona

  • 29th Sep '24
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
  • 27th Abr '25
    10 días a bordo del MSC Preziosa
    MSC Preziosa- 10Nights
    - 10 noches
    Inside precio de

    $1,514* /por persona

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
