7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora

Celebrity Cruises
  • Suite precio desde


Baltra (Galapagos) - Daphne Island (Galapagos) - Gardner Bay (Espanola) - Punta Suarez (Espanola) - Cormorant Point (Floreana) - Bahia Post Office, Floreana - Punta Moreno (isabela) - Urvina Bay (Isabela) - Punta Espinoza (Fernandina) - Punta Vicente Roca (isabela) - South Plaza (Santa Cruz) - Dragon Hill (Santa Cruz) - Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz) - Baltra (Galapagos)
Fecha 1

02 Jun '24

Baltra (Galapagos)
During World War II, Baltra served as a U.S. military base protecting the Panama Canal from enemy attack. Now the cactus-strewn landscapes of Baltra are home to the region’s main airport and where you will meet the ship. After just a short bus and zodiac ride you will be aboard. Your luggage will be delivered straight to your stateroom, giving you the opportunity to explore the Celebrity Xpedition, a 296-foot mega-yacht and your home for the week. Less More




Fecha 1

02 Jun '24

Daphne Island (Galapagos)
The cliff shore of the island is home for sea lions, pelicans, blue footed boobies and tropic bird. In addition, large schools of fish can be observed from the zodiac rides. Less More




Fecha 2

03 Jun '24

Gardner Bay (Espanola)
Gardner Bay on Espanola’s northern side hosts one of the longest beaches in the Galapagos, and a beautiful way to start the day. During a morning walk along a soft white sand beach, you’ll visit a sea lion colony, look for pups playing in shallow water pools, and search for the startlingly red Sally Lightfoot crabs, shorebirds, and marine iguanas. Afterwards, go for a swim, snorkel or just relax on the sparkling white sand. Less More




Fecha 2

03 Jun '24

Punta Suarez (Espanola)
One of Espanola’s and the islands true gems, Punta Suarez is where wildlife viewing is at its very best. A hike from the beach over boulders to the steep southern cliffs leads to a dramatic blowhole where water can gush up to 50 feet into the air. Along the way, you’ll pass through a sea lion colony (make sure you avoid stepping on colorful marine iguanas), and walk past an abundance of Nazca boobies nesting on the nearby rocks. Blue-footed boobies, Galapagos hawks, mockingbirds, finches, and red-billed tropic birds also make their home at this end of the island. From about May to December, Espanola hosts the only colony of Waved Albatross in the Galapagos. It’s a special treat to catch a courtship dance or watch the juveniles try to take off at the Albatross Airport. Less More




Fecha 3

04 Jun '24

Cormorant Point (Floreana)
Floreana was the first capital of the Galapagos and where Charles Darwin met the islands’ Governor. Its small brackish lagoon is often home to flamingos, stilts, and white-cheeked pintail ducks, and one of its beaches is a highly used nesting site for sea turtles. Check out the green-hued sand where you land! Excursion options include a relatively short walk to the lagoon and sea turtle-nesting beach, and optional snorkeling and swimming at the landing beach. In addition, for experienced snorkelers only we offer a deepwater snorkel at nearby Champion Island. Less More




Fecha 3

04 Jun '24

Bahia Post Office, Floreana
Bahia Post Office, Floreana Less More




Fecha 4

05 Jun '24

Punta Moreno (isabela)
Punta Moreno is one of the least visited sites on Isabela due to its remote location and difficult access. Stark black volcanic rocks cover the landscape and when juxtaposed with the brilliant green of lush plant growth around ponds, it makes for a spectacular sight. Add a mix of coastal wildlife and it’s a visitor’s delight. Here, you can go on an extended Zodiac ride to view blue-footed boobies, pelicans, and the flightless cormorant while searching in the water for fast swimming penguins, rays, and maybe even a shark or two. Another option is a hike over the black lava rock to observe coastal ponds where sea turtles and sharks often reside and then head inland to what seems like an oasis—an interior lake where flamingos are often found. Less More




Fecha 4

05 Jun '24

Urvina Bay (Isabela)
Due to currents and upwelling, the water here is noticeably colder than in other parts of the Galapagos and in 1954, part of this area along Isabela’s coast was uplifted 12–15 feet just prior to an eruption. The remains of a coral reef raised during the uplift can still be found at Urvina Bay. On a long hike, you can ramble through the now high-and-dry corals of this once thriving reef or stick to a shorter version of the same hike and look for land iguanas, finches, and if luck holds, giant tortoises. Afterwards, if conditions allow, the black sand beach of Urvina Bay offers a chance for swimming and snorkeling. While in the water, you may see sea turtles and diving cormorants. Less More




Fecha 5

06 Jun '24

Punta Espinoza (Fernandina)
Here on Isla Fernandina, guests may walk on recent lava flows from La Cumbre volcano and also observe the flightless cormorant, one of the islands’ best examples of evolution. Less More




Fecha 5

06 Jun '24

Punta Vicente Roca (isabela)
One of the most dramatic of landscapes in the Galapagos. At the foot of Isabela’s Ecuador Volcano, this is an opportunity to see first-hand the remains of a caldera and the abundant wildlife now residing in the area. Here, a Zodiac ride provides an excellent viewing platform and if conditions allow, you can jump in for a snorkel. Cruising along shore, a volcanic dike, where lava once shot up through a vertical crack is clearly evident and the steep cliffs make for drama while on the search for Galapagos fur seals and other wildlife. In the water, sea turtles and penguins are everyone’s favorite. Less More




Fecha 6

07 Jun '24

South Plaza (Santa Cruz)
A small uplifted island just off the northeast coast of Santa Cruz. The island’s low-lying landscape is covered with colorful saltbush, scrub, and giant prickly pear cactus. A subspecies of land iguana is found on the island in plentiful abundance and sometimes can be seen munching on the cactus. The southern cliffs are steep and rocky, and home to numerous seabirds as well as a bachelor colony of sea lions. Looking down into the clear blue waters, schools of surgeonfish swim by as birds shoot in and out of the holes in the cliff. A short hike and Zodiac ride provide ample opportunity to observe the beauty and wildlife of the island. Less More




Fecha 6

07 Jun '24

Dragon Hill (Santa Cruz)
Dragon Hill, or “Cerro Dragon,” is named after its population of land iguanas. The site offers a beautiful view of the landscape and two small brackish lagoons where flamingos and other shore birds occasionally feed. Along the trail, we’ll cross a beautiful “white forest” of Palo Santo (incense) trees and Galapagos cotton plants. Excursion options include a high-intensity hike with swimming/snorkeling at the beach, high intensity snorkeling from a zodiac followed by a short walk and a low-intensity Zodiac ride along the coastline with optional dry landing for animal observation. Less More




Fecha 7

08 Jun '24

Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz)
Santa Cruz is the second-largest island in the Galapagos and home to Puerto Ayora (the largest town in the islands). In 1959, the Ecuadorian government declared all the islands, except areas already colonized, as a national park. In the same year, the Charles Darwin Foundation was founded to promote scientific research and ensure the conservation of the Galapagos. In 1992, the waters surrounding the Galapagos were declared a marine reserve. Here, you have the opportunity to visit a giant tortoise reserve in the lushly vegetated highlands, where the animals roam free in their natural habitat. On another excursion, a short drive through town brings you to the Galapagos Park Service giant tortoise breeding station and the Charles Darwin Research Station. Afterwards there is time to wander through the lovely streets of Puerto Ayora for some shopping. Less More




Fecha 8

09 Jun '24

Baltra (Galapagos)
During World War II, Baltra served as a U.S. military base protecting the Panama Canal from enemy attack. Now the cactus-strewn landscapes of Baltra are home to the region’s main airport and where you will meet the ship. After just a short bus and zodiac ride you will be aboard. Your luggage will be delivered straight to your stateroom, giving you the opportunity to explore the Celebrity Xpedition, a 296-foot mega-yacht and your home for the week. Less More




Barco - Celebrity Flora

El Celebrity Flora es el primer barco de este tipo construido especialmente para las Islas Galápagos. Este megayate de 100 pasajeros con todas las suites cuenta con nuestro innovador concepto de orientación hacia el exterior, diseñado para garantizar que el destino siga siendo el centro de atención durante su navegación. Inspirado en las islas y construido con materiales naturales, el barco se funde a la perfección con el entorno, dándole una sensación de inmersión total. Para ofrecerle una experiencia aún más profunda, los naturalistas certificados del Parque Nacional de Galápagos están a bordo para guiar el viaje.

Demostrando que se puede practicar un turismo responsable y ofrecer el máximo lujo al mismo tiempo, el Celebrity Flora fue construido con las últimas tecnologías medioambientales. El sistema de posicionamiento dinámico permite que el megayate permanezca en la estación sin echar anclas, protegiendo el fondo marino, y los paneles solares complementan la electricidad, reduciendo las emisiones. El resultado es uno de los barcos más respetuosos con el medio ambiente que navegan en cualquier lugar, solo una de las razones por las que el Celebrity Flora fue votado como el ”Mejor Crucero en General” en 2019.

Servicio de Lavanderia

Discovery Lounge (Sala Discovery)


24 horas Servicio de habitaciones
Ocean Grill (Asador)
Real Observatorio

  • Descripción

    El Celebrity Flora es el primer barco de este tipo construido especialmente para las Islas Galápagos. Este megayate de 100 pasajeros con todas las suites cuenta con nuestro innovador concepto de orientación hacia el exterior, diseñado para garantizar que el destino siga siendo el centro de atención durante su navegación. Inspirado en las islas y construido con materiales naturales, el barco se funde a la perfección con el entorno, dándole una sensación de inmersión total. Para ofrecerle una experiencia aún más profunda, los naturalistas certificados del Parque Nacional de Galápagos están a bordo para guiar el viaje.

    Demostrando que se puede practicar un turismo responsable y ofrecer el máximo lujo al mismo tiempo, el Celebrity Flora fue construido con las últimas tecnologías medioambientales. El sistema de posicionamiento dinámico permite que el megayate permanezca en la estación sin echar anclas, protegiendo el fondo marino, y los paneles solares complementan la electricidad, reduciendo las emisiones. El resultado es uno de los barcos más respetuosos con el medio ambiente que navegan en cualquier lugar, solo una de las razones por las que el Celebrity Flora fue votado como el ”Mejor Crucero en General” en 2019.

  • Otras Facilidades

    Servicio de Lavanderia

  • Entretenimiento

    Discovery Lounge (Sala Discovery)

  • Para Relajarse


  • Comida y bebida

    24 horas Servicio de habitaciones
    Ocean Grill (Asador)
    Real Observatorio



    Suite Garantizada


  • Fecha
  • 9th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora
    Celebrity Flora- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $7,339* /por persona

  • 16th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora
    Celebrity Flora- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $7,059* /por persona

  • 23rd Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora
    Celebrity Flora- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $6,819* /por persona

  • 30th Jun '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora
    Celebrity Flora- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $6,887* /por persona

  • 7th Jul '24
    7 días a bordo del Celebrity Flora
    Celebrity Flora- 7Nights
    - 7 noches
    Suite precio de

    $6,826* /por persona

*Basado en Twinshare cabin
