Norte de Europa & Cruceros desde Warnemunde

MSC Cruceros
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Warnemunde - Gdynia - Klaipeda - Riga - Tallinn - Helsinki - Stockholm
Fecha 1

04 Mayo '24

The Warnemünde quarter in Rostock is a famous German seaside resort that you can visit when you reach the German coasts on your MSC cruise of northern Europe. At the mouth of the river Warnow, in the Baltic Sea, Warnemünde will surprise you with its villas, hotels and the large white and silver beach. Its heart is Am Strom, next to the port, where the homes of old captains and fishermen have been turned into coffee shops and boutiques. With an excursion during the cruise, you can continue towards Schwerin. Surrounded by lakes and with a fairytale Schloss that tickles the imagination, the town represents a pleasant surprise, given by the architecture and spirit of a historic capital. Continuing the excursion you can admire Lubeck, one of the few cities along Europe’s northern coasts that preserves the glory of medieval times. For more than two centuries the standard bearer of the Hanseatic League, this was one of the wealthiest and most powerful of European cities, the Venice of the Baltic. The commercial opulence is best expressed in its architecture: from the oldest Rathaus in Germany to the churches with the tallest bell-towers to the merchants’ mansions. Lubecca is the first city in Northern Europe to be included in the list of UNESCO world heritage sites in 1987. Finally, you should not leave out a visit to the cosmopolitan Berlin, the largest and liveliest city in Germany. Amongst the monuments to visit are the Brandebourgh Gate. Situated close to the Reichstag, the seat of the German parliament, the monument, designed on the model of Athens’ Acropolis, was built as the city’s arch of triumph in 1791 and soon became the symbol of unified Germany. The Brandenburg Gate looms over the ornamental gardens in Pariser Platz which extends eastwards towards the wide, tree-lined Unter den Linden avenue, that means “Beneath the linden trees”, flanked by shops and cafés. Less More




Fecha 2

05 Mayo '24

When you arrive in the Bay of Gdansk on your MSC cruise, you come into the most fascinating regions of the Baltic Sea and of Northern Europe. In Gydna, along the southern pier (the Poludniowe pier), you find two interesting museum ships: an imposing, three-mast frigate, the Dar Pomorza, launched in 1909 and used for many years as a school ship by the German navy; and the torpedo boat destroyer, the Blyskawica, that managed to escape a German attack in 1939. When you come ashore from your MSC cruise ship, outside the interesting oceanographic museum and aquarium (Muzeum Oceanograficzne i Akwarium Morskie) you will find a statue of Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski, more commonly known as Joseph Conrad, born in 1857 in Berdicev, Ukraine. As you arrive at the Bulwar Nadmorski, along the seafront with its inlets and beaches, that connects Gdynia, Sopot and Gdansk, you will find the interesting Naval Museum (Muzeum Marynarki Wojennej). While on your MSC cruise of Northern Europe, don’t miss an excursion to Gdansk, a city which, because of the importance of its port, has a very rich history. Visit the Old Town (Główne Miasto), along the Motlawa river, once the port centre. Here you can see a large, blue, port crane made of wood, the largest machine if its kind in Europe. Built in 1444, it was used for loading and unloading ships, as well as for fitting masts. Leaving the river behind you, you can walk down the Royal Stretch, the road that brought kings and dignitaries into town, closed by two imposing gates, the Golden Gate and the Green Gate. Along this road you can admire the Court of King Arthur, one of the lively centres of city life. In the museum-home of Uphagen you can get a taste of the life of a wealthy Gdansk family of the 18th century. At the end of the Royal Stretch instead, you will find the gothic church of the Virgin Mary: amongst the tallest brick buildings in Europe. Less More




Fecha 3

06 Mayo '24

When you arrive in Klaipeda, the cruise ship will berth in the only Lithuanian port, one that has been operating since the middle of the 13th century. The historic centre, that dates back to when the city was known as Memel, is built in the typical fashion of the German medieval towns, including the square with the majestic clock tower. Klaipeda is divided into two parts: the new town, right of the river Dane and the old town that develops on the left bank. The latter is built in the classic chessboard layout of the 17th century German towns and still sports handsome trellised buildings like, for example, those in the artisan district: used as warehouses in the past, they now host art galleries, cafés or clubs. There is a variety of sculptures around town, starting from that of the Four Winds, in the port, at the entrance of the terminal where your MSC cruise ship is berthed. Visit the handsome neo-classic Dramos theatre, which is the main building in the square and where you also find a statue dedicated to the poet, Simon Dach. Your MSC cruise of Northern Europe also offers two excursions, both along the coast. Palanga, in the north, is the largest Lithuanian seaside resort with a walk that ends at the long pier on the sea. This is located along the ancient Amber Road and it is not rare to find bits of this resin stone on the white beach after a heavy storm. For sure you can admire this stone in the city’s Amber Museum. To the south instead we find the Neringa peninsula, a 98km long sand bar that separates the Curi lagoon from the Baltic Sea and where, in Nida, you find the largest dune in Nothern Europe; this is a UNESCO world heritage site for its importance in the biosphere. Less More




Fecha 4

07 Mayo '24

Rīga is the largest, liveliest and most cosmopolitan of the Baltic capitals, a great city to visit when you are on a MSC cruise to Latvia. A heady mixture of the medieval and the contemporary, the city has much to offer architecture and history enthusiasts in the narrow cobbled streets of Old Rīga and the wide boulevards of the New Town, where beautiful examples of Art Nouveau architecture line Strēlnieku iela and Alberta iela. The city also has all the trappings of a modern capital, with efficient and affordable public transportation, excellent shopping, and a notoriously exuberant nightlife. An MSC Cruises excursion is a good way to experience Old Rīga, grouped loosely around Town Hall Square and Cathedral Square, which forms the city’s nucleus and is home to most of its historic buildings. With its cobbled streets, narrow lanes and hidden courtyards, it gives the impression of stepping back in time. To the east, Old Rīga is bordered by Bastejkalns Park, beyond which lies the New Town. Built during rapid urban expansion between 1857 and 1914, its wide boulevards are lined with four- and five-storey apartment buildings, many decorated with extravagant Art Nouveau motifs. If you want to see the city unfold before you, with its melange of church domes, vast parks, ribbon of river and squat Soviet creations, follow the urban throng to Šķūņu iela to St Peter’s Church, a large red-brick structure with a graceful three-tiered spire; climb the tower for excellent panoramic views. From the doors of St Peter’s Church, Rātslaukums (Town Hall Square) is straight ahead and dominated by the House of the Blackheads (Melngalvju nams), whose facade is an opulent masterpiece of Gothic architecture and which once served as the headquarters of Rīga’s bachelor merchants, who adopted the North African, non-white St Maurice as their patron (hence the name “Blackheads”). Less More




Fecha 5

08 Mayo '24

Tallinn, Estonia’s compact, buzzing capital, with its enchanting heart surrounded by medieval walls, has been shaped by nearly a millennium of outside influence. A cruise of the Baltic Sea with MSC Cruises can take you to visit the heart of Tallinn, its Old Town, still largely enclosed by the city’s medieval walls. At its centre is the Raekoja plats, the historic marketplace, above which looms Toompea, the hilltop stronghold of the German knights who controlled the city during the Middle Ages. Raekoja plats, the cobbled market square at the heart of the Old Town, is as old as the city itself. On its southern side stands the fifteenth-century Town Hall (Raekoda), boasting elegant Gothic arches at ground level, and a delicate steeple at its northern end. Near the summit of the steeple, Vana Toomas, a sixteenth-century weather vane depicting a medieval town guard, is Tallinn’s city emblem. The well-labelled and informative museum inside the cellar hall depicts Tallinn town life through the ages, and there is a good view from the belfry. For an even better view of the town square, climb the spiral staircase of the Town Hall Tower. The fourteenth-century Church of the Holy Ghost (Puhä Vaimu kirik) on Pühavaimu is the city’s oldest church, a small Gothic building with stuccoed limestone walls, stepped gables, a carved wooden interior, a tall, verdigris-coated spire and an ornate clock from 1680 – the oldest in Tallinn. Contrasting sharply is the late Gothic St Nicholas’s Church (Niguliste kirik), south-west of Raekoja plats. It now serves as a museumof church art, including medieval burial stones and the haunting Danse Macabre (“Dance With Death”) by Bernt Notke. Less More




Fecha 6

09 Mayo '24

Instantly loveable, Helsinki is remarkably different from the other Scandinavian capitals, and closer both in mood and appearance to the major cities of Northern Europe. Today, cruisers will find a youthful buzz on the streets, where the boulevards, outdoor cafés and trendyrestaurants are crowded with Finns taking full advantage of the short summer. Following a devastating fire in 1808, and the city’s designation as Finland’s capital in 1812, Helsinki was totally rebuilt in a style befitting its new status: a grid of wide streetsand Neoclassical brick buildings modelled on the then Russian capital, St Petersburg. Esplanadi, a wide, tree-lined boulevard across a mishmash of tramlines from the harbour, where your MSC cruise ship awaits your return, is Helsinki at its most charming. At its eastern end, the City Museum at Sofiankatu 4 offers a record of 450 years of Helsinki life in an impressive permanent exhibition called “Helsinki Horizons”. To the north is Senate Square (Senattintori), dominated by the exquisite form of the Tuomiokirkko (Cathedral). After the elegance of the exterior, the spartan Lutheran interior comes as a disappointment; more impressive is the gloomily atmospheric crypt, now often used for exhibitions. About 50km east of Helsinki, Porvoo, one of the oldest towns on the south coast and one of Finland’s most charming, is just waiting to be discovered on an MSC Northern Europe excursion. Its narrow cobbled streets, lined by small colourful wooden buildings, give a sense of Finnish life before the capital’s bold squares and Neoclassical geometry. The old town is built around the hill on the other side of Mannerheimkatu, crowned by the fifteenth-century Tuomiokirkko, where Alexander I proclaimed Finland a Russian Grand Duchy and convened the first Finnish Diet. Less More




Fecha 7

10 Mayo '24

Without a doubt Stockholm is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and a vacation in Sweden with an MSC cruise will prove it. Built on no fewer than fourteen islands, where the fresh water of Lake Mälaren meets the brackish Baltic Sea, clean air and open space are in plentiful supply here. An MSC cruise of Northern Europe will give you the opportunity to appreciate its port front, reach the Baltic Sea and experience the atmospheres with a tour of the town where broad boulevards lined with elegant buildings are reflected in the deep blue water, and rows of painted wooden houseboats bob gently alongside the cobbled waterfront. But Stockholm is also a hi-tech metropolis, as you will find out on your excursion on land during your cruise, with futuristic skyscrapers and a bustling commercial heart. The old town, Gamla Stan, is a district with cobbled streets and narrow alleyways huddled together on a triangular-shaped island. Today the area is an atmospheric mixture of buildings surrounded on all sides by a latticework of medieval lanes and alleyways. The district of Norrmalm swaps tradition for a thoroughly contemporary feel: this is downtown Stockholm where you’ll find shopping malls, huge department stores and conspicuous, showy wealth. In the green island of Djurgården you can see an extraordinary 17th century warship, the Vasa, rescued and preserved after sinking in Stockholm harbour. Cross Norrbron or Riksbron from the Riksdagshuset and up rears the most distinctive monumental building in Stockholm, Kungliga Slottet – a low, square, yellowy-brown construction, with two arms that stretch down towards the water. It’s uniform and sombre outside, but with a magnificent Rococo interior that’s a swirl of staterooms and museums. Itssheer size is quite overwhelming: you should not miss the Royal Apartments and the Treasure Room. The former are used for royal receptions and the second keeps a collection of crowns studded with precious stones. Less More




Barco - MSC Poesia

MSC Poesía es un crucero innovador con un estilo elegante que transforma la artesanía tradicional en diseño creativo.

Desde la espectacular cascada del vestíbulo hasta el Zen Garden, el auténtico bar de sushi japonés y el opulento MSC Aurea Spa, MSC Poesía es un elegante crucero perfecto para la relajación total. El MSC Aurea Spa cuenta con un baño de vapor, sauna, toda una gama de tratamientos de belleza y algunos de los masajes más relajantes en el mar.

Para nuestros huéspedes más activos, las actividades deportivas y el acondicionamiento físico incluyen una cancha de baloncesto, una cancha de tenis, una cancha de juego de tejos, un gimnasio de última generación y un minigolf. Hay 3 piscinas, 4 bañeras de hidromasaje y una pantalla gigante de cine junto a la piscina.

Los niños y adolescentes están igualmente bien atendidos y tienen sus propios clubes y fiestas, una zona de juegos dedicada a la Edad de Piedra y a los dinosaurios, acceso a emocionantes videojuegos e incluso a una discoteca para DJ.

La comida siempre está en el corazón de los cruceros de MSC y la cocina a bordo del MSC Poesía no es una excepción. Cada plato es preparado con ingredientes frescos y de calidad por nuestros profesionales chefs y servido en el elegante entorno de los comedores principales II Palladio y Le Fontane.

Los variados salones ofrecen degustación de vinos en el Grappolo d’Oro, refrescantes mojitos en el bar de cócteles de Mojito y deliciosos puros y bebidas espirituosas en la sala de puros.


Restaurante a la carta
Lounge Bar
Sushi Bar

Galeria de Arte
Tienda libre de impuestos
Tienda fotografica
Caja Fuerte
Centro comercial
Oficina de Excursion a la Costa

Shuffle Board

Cigar Bar (Bar de Puros)
Theatre (Teatro)

Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
Pista de Tenis

  • Descripción

    MSC Poesía es un crucero innovador con un estilo elegante que transforma la artesanía tradicional en diseño creativo.

    Desde la espectacular cascada del vestíbulo hasta el Zen Garden, el auténtico bar de sushi japonés y el opulento MSC Aurea Spa, MSC Poesía es un elegante crucero perfecto para la relajación total. El MSC Aurea Spa cuenta con un baño de vapor, sauna, toda una gama de tratamientos de belleza y algunos de los masajes más relajantes en el mar.

    Para nuestros huéspedes más activos, las actividades deportivas y el acondicionamiento físico incluyen una cancha de baloncesto, una cancha de tenis, una cancha de juego de tejos, un gimnasio de última generación y un minigolf. Hay 3 piscinas, 4 bañeras de hidromasaje y una pantalla gigante de cine junto a la piscina.

    Los niños y adolescentes están igualmente bien atendidos y tienen sus propios clubes y fiestas, una zona de juegos dedicada a la Edad de Piedra y a los dinosaurios, acceso a emocionantes videojuegos e incluso a una discoteca para DJ.

    La comida siempre está en el corazón de los cruceros de MSC y la cocina a bordo del MSC Poesía no es una excepción. Cada plato es preparado con ingredientes frescos y de calidad por nuestros profesionales chefs y servido en el elegante entorno de los comedores principales II Palladio y Le Fontane.

    Los variados salones ofrecen degustación de vinos en el Grappolo d’Oro, refrescantes mojitos en el bar de cócteles de Mojito y deliciosos puros y bebidas espirituosas en la sala de puros.

  • Para Relajarse


  • Comida y bebida

    Restaurante a la carta
    Lounge Bar
    Sushi Bar

  • Otras Facilidades

    Galeria de Arte
    Tienda libre de impuestos
    Tienda fotografica
    Caja Fuerte
    Centro comercial
    Oficina de Excursion a la Costa

  • Recreación

    Shuffle Board

  • Entretenimiento

    Cigar Bar (Bar de Puros)
    Theatre (Teatro)

  • Deportes

    Fitness Center (Gimnasio)
    Pista de Tenis



    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador de pelo Televisión, teléfono, caja fuere y minibar Acceso a WiFi disponible


    Cuarto de baño con ducha, área de tocador y secador TV, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi disponible


    Balcón Área de estar con sofá Cómoda cama doble o individuales (bajo demanda) Televisión interactiva, teléfono, conexión Wifi disponible (de pago), caja fuerte y minibar Cuarto de baño con ducha o bañera, área de tocador con secador de pelo


    Balcón Área de estar con sofá Armario espacioso Cuarto de baño con bañera, área de tocador y secador Televisión interactiva, teléfono, caja fuerte y minibar Acceso a Wi-Fi disponible
